I am a postdoc, specializing in algorithm development and machine learning techniques, with an emphasis on applications related to particle detector systems. My experience extends to project management, international collaborations, and knowledge transfer. Currently, I am leading the construction efforts for the PANDA Barrel DIRC detector system at the Helmholtz Institute Mainz.
During my prior Ph.D. work, I made significant contributions to the GlueX experiment in the US and the PANDA experiment in Germany. This experience solidified my competencies in C++ and Object-Oriented Programming
(OOP), simulations, big data analytics, high-performance computing, particle detector technology, test beam at CERN, and data analysis related to hadron physics.
I also developed a deep understanding of gaseous detector systems and grid computing through my research work experience in the CMS experiment at CERN Switzerland. My master’s degree offered a comprehensive foundation in medical physics, radiation protection, and Geant4 Monte-Carlo simulation techniques. This was further complemented by an undergraduate focus on material science.
Apart from my physics degree, I hold a second degree in mathematics, providing a solid footing for complex problemsolving. Recognized for my analytical, creative, and goal-oriented approach, I am a strategic thinker who consistently drives results in challenging business environments.
Scientific CV
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Helmholtz-Institut Mainz, Germany , 2021 - present
- Lead the construction efforts for the PANDA Barrel DIRC bar boxes
- Develop machine learning algorithms, perform Monte-Carlo simulations, and data analyses
- Ph.D. in Physics, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2016 - 2021
- Thesis: Particle Identification with the PANDA Barrel DIRC and the GlueX DIRC
- Keywords: DIRC counters, Reconstruction Algorithms, Analysis, Simulation, Statistics, Modeling, Data Visualization, Particle Detectors, Particles Beam, Geant4, ROOT, Computational Physics, Optics, R&D
- Research at CERN, CMS Experiment at CERN, Switzerland, 2014 - 2016
- Contribute to the RPC detector performance studies
- Tools: HPC at CERN, CMS Experiment Software, C++, Geant4, Root CERN, Python
- Research Assistant, The British University in Egypt (BUE), 2013 - 2016
- Conduct modeling and simulations for the medical linear accelerators used in radiotherapy
- Develop analyses methods for the simulation output
- Perform comparison between simulation and beam data
- Tools: HPC at BUE, C++, Geant4, Gate/Geant4, Root CERN
- Research Internship in Detector Physics, Politecnico di Bari, Italy, Oct - Dec 2014
- Perform simulation studies of the muon system upgrade at the CMS experiment
- Tools: CMS Experiment Software, Python, ROOT CERN, Geant4
- Medical Physics Training, Children’s Cancer Hospital, Egypt, Jun 2014
- Treatment planning system dose calculations
- Research Internship in Detector Physics, Politecnico di Bari, Italy, Sep - Dec 2013
- Contribute to the RPC detector performance studies at the CMS experiment
- Tools: CMS Experiment Software, Python, ROOT CERN, Geant4
- CERN Summer Program, Summer Program at CERN, Switzerland, Jun - Aug 2013
- Physics Events Generators
- Tools: PYTHIA, CMS Experiment Software, Python
- Radiation Protection Training, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA), Egypt, Dec 2012 - Feb 2013
- Radiation protection safety officer licensed
- M. Sc. in Physics, Ain Shams University, Egypt, 2011 - 2014
- Thesis: Application of Monte Carlo Simulation for the Medical Linear Accelerator in Radiotherapy
- Keywords: Medical Physics, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Geant4, Radiotherapy, Modeling, Planning Systems, Computational Physics, Data Analyses
- Medical Physics Training, Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt, Aug - Oct 2010
- Medical linear accelerator calibration measurements
- B. Sc. in Physics, graduation project in material science friction studies and surface treatment, Sohag University, Egypt, 2007 - 2010
- B. Sc. E. in Mathematics, Sohag University, Egypt, 2002 - 2006