
Hadrons and Nuclei as Discovery Tools: New Collaborative Research Centre Granted

The German Research Foundation (DFG) approved the establishment of the CRC 1660 "Hadrons and Nuclei as Discovery Tools" at Johannes Gutenberg Unversity. This newly granted Collaborative Research Centre will allow for an interdisciplinary approach to the search of new physics phenomena, and it will significantly sharpen our understanding of strong interaction processes.
By bringing together the fields of atomic, nuclear, and hadron physics, this project holds a unique discovery potential along three main research pillars.

In the first pillar, experiments at low energies and high intensities are used to search for new particles (e.g. dark matter particles) and interactions beyond the SM, and the results are interpreted using lattice QCD. The second pillar investigates the interface between hadron and nuclear physics through spectrometry experiments, electron and photon scattering experiments and high-precision calculations that will improve the interpretation of neutrino experiments and the description of muonic atoms. The third pillar focuses on the exploration of nuclear astrophysics and multi-messenger astronomy with a new generation of high-precision experiments in low-energy nuclear physics combined with state-of-the-art theoretical calculations using effective field theories.

The very broad combined expertise in atomic, nuclear and hadronic physics within this CRC will allow for a significant impact on all the above research avenues simultaneously. The outstanding opportunities enabled by the new local MESA accelerator, which is coming online, as well as at the MAMI (Mainz), BESIII (China), and PSI (Switzerland) facilities, combined with the very strong interplay between the theoretical and experimental groups, will foster unique physics and methodological connections between the different research fields and create a favourable environment for discoveries.


For more information, please read the Johannes Gutenberg University's press release.


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Welcome to AG Sfienti

We, the Research Group Sfienti of the Institute for Nuclear Physics at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, welcome you to our homepage. We hope you find all the information you need, and look forward to your visit.

News from our group

Martin Sobotzik successfully completed his doctoral thesis on Angular Analysis of the B → K*ℓℓ Decay in Long Shutdown 1 Data at Belle II.
In his analysis he is looking for signs of physics beyond the standard model in flavour-changing neutral currents (FCNC) where a B meson decays into a kaon and two leptons. Since this decay can only occurr in loop diagrams, it is heavily suppressed.
He therefore investigated the use of neural networks to select these rare events from Belle II data collected until the Long Shutdown 1. Furthermore, using advanced statistical tools, he could improve the background subtraction compared to the traditional approach of extracting the background shape from simulations, thus decreasing systematic effects.


The new Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1660 “Hadrons and Nuclei as Discovery Tools” at JGU wants to give doctoral students the opportunity to conduct research in an attractive and international environment together with renowned scientists.

For the CRC Fellowships application call in 2025, we are looking for PhD candidates for our projects "N01: Neutron-skin and surface-thickness of 208Pb" and "N02: Study of reaction cross sections of astrophysical interest".

For more details, please go to CRC 1660 PhD Announcements. Deadline for applications is February 28th, 2025.

Our paper, drafted and submitted by Anselm Esser, on the newly developed FPGA-based readout system for asymmetry measurements at A1 has been published in NIM A.

Congratulations to everyone involved for their help!

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